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Healthy Eating

Delicious meets Nutritious.

Recipes are tailored to your individual dietary needs, to help you meet your nutrition goals. 

Multo's cooking system comes with over 800 pre-programmed recipes, you can also create your own custom recipes.

If you're looking to improve your diet and eat more healthily, Multo Intelligent Cooking System from CookingPal can be a valuable tool. This master blender and steamer combo with built in scale is designed to simplify meal prep and make it easy to create delicious, nutritious meals at home.

Here are some tips on how to use Multo to eat more healthily.

Healthy Eating
Plan your meals in advance

Plan your meals in advance

By planning your meals in advance, you'll be less likely to reach for unhealthy snacks or a takeout menu when you're short on time.

Bookmark your favorite healthy recipes so you have a saved list of easy go to healthy choices.

With a 3.1 QT/3L bowl that can cook over 8 portions of food, you can meal prep your way to a better life!

Monitor your Nutritional Intake

Monitor your Nutritional Intake

Our recipes have the added benefit of showing you the calorie, fat, and, protein content (which won't appear on your takeout menu). This allows you to know exactly what you are putting into your body.

Control Portion Sizes

Portion control is an important part of a healthy diet, and Multo makes it easy to manage the quantity of food you consume. It comes with a built-in scale, which allows you to measure ingredients and portion sizes accurately. You can also adjust the serving size of each recipe to ensure that you're not cooking for an army when it's just a meal for two!

Sauté instead of Frying

Sauté instead of Frying

It doesn't just sound's healthier too! Frying is a method where foods are cooked by submerging them in oil, whereas sautéing involves cooking in a small amount of oil.

Better yet...STEAM!

Better yet...STEAM!

If you want to be even healthier, as even with sautéing you’re still using oil, go for steaming! Multo has two.... yes two steaming trays that can be placed on top of Multo AND a steaming basket that sits inside the bowl.

Other Great Tips

Experiment with healthy ingredients

Multo is a great tool for experimenting with healthy ingredients that you might not have tried before. For example, you can use the system to make quinoa, lentils, or other whole grains that are high in fiber and protein. You can also experiment with different herbs and spices to add flavor to your meals without relying on salt or sugar.

Avoid processed foods

Processed foods are often high in salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats, and can contribute to a variety of health problems. With the Multo, you can easily make your own sauces, dressings, and marinades from scratch, using whole ingredients and avoiding the additives that are often found in store-bought products.

Use fresh, whole ingredients

The Multo is designed to work with fresh, whole ingredients, which are the cornerstone of a healthy diet. Whether you're making a stir-fry, soup, or stew, you can easily chop vegetables, mix ingredients, and cook everything in one pot. The Multo's sous-vide function is also great for cooking proteins like chicken and fish, which can be a healthy addition to your diet.

Multo Intelligent Cooking System

Multo Intelligent Cooking System

Multo Intelligent Cooking System from CookingPal is a versatile tool that can help you eat more healthily and simplify your meal prep routine. By planning your meals in advance, using fresh, whole ingredients, controlling portion sizes, experimenting with healthy ingredients, avoiding processed foods, and meal prepping in advance, you can create delicious, nutritious meals with ease. So why not give the Multo a try and see how it can help you achieve your health goals?
